push notifications

Push Notifications in Your Ionic Mobile App with OneSignal

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Introduction to push notifications, what they are, how they work

Push notifications are messages sent directly to your app’s users. They notify users of new content, even when the user is not using your application. They increase user engagement and retention in your app. An example is the WhatsApp “whistle” that notifies you of new messages received. In this tutorial, we’ll dive into integrating push notifications into your Ionic app using OneSignal.

How push notifications work

A push notification is sent from the Push notification platform of the mobile OS: Apple’s Push Notification Service for iOS and Google Cloud Messaging for Android. These push notification services relay the message to the devices that have subscribed to them.

This means that you need to keep track of all the devices that have subscribed for push notifications. But there are some great services out there to simplify the process. One such service is OneSignal.

Read More – https://www.sitepoint.com/push-notifications-in-your-ionic-app-with-onesignal/